Smokey Mountain Conference

Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference


October 18 – 20, 2021



Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences & Engineering Conference

Driving future science & engineering discoveries through the integration of experiment, big data, and modeling and simulation

About SMC2021

  • The SMC2021 Conference will be a virtual conference.
  • Presentations will be presented via live-stream on ZOOM
  • We will be using web conferencing software WHOVA, ZOOM and Gather Town

Important Dates




    The SMC2021 Call for Papers will open on Friday February 5th, 2021.
    Accepted papers will be published for SMC2021 in Springer, pending approval.

    More Information About the Call for Papers

      Abstract Submission and Paper Registration Due Date Extended: March 17, 2021
      Author notification for abstract acceptance: April 2, 2021
      Paper submission for review: June 21, 2021
      Author notification for paper acceptance:August 20, 2021
      Conference ready paper submission:September 27, 2021
      Conference presentation: October 18-20th, 2021
      Camera-ready paper submission: November 1st, 2021




Sessions and Call for Papers

The Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference (SMC2021) is a premier event for discussing the latest developments in computational sciences and engineering for high-performance computing (HPC) and integrated instruments for science. The conference has been held since 2003. This year, the 18th installment of the conference will be held in Kingsport, TN. The conference focuses on four major areas—theory, experiment, modeling and simulation, and data—that focus on accelerated node computing and integrated instruments for science. This year, the program committee will accept vision papers that include the author’s perspective on the most important directions for research, development, production and experiences, and needs for investment in the specific areas identified in the following five sessions:

    Session 1: Advanced Computing Methods: Instruments from Edge to Supercomputers
      Session chairs – Juan Restrepo and Olga Ovchinnikova, ORNL
    Session 2: Advanced Computing Applications: Use Cases that Combine Multiple Aspects of Data and Modeling
      Session chairs – Teja Kuruganti and Olga Kuchar, ORNL
    Session 3: Advanced Computing Systems and Software: Instruments from Edge to Supercomputers
      Session chairs – Arjun Shankar and Neena Imam, ORNL
    Session 4: Deploying Advanced Computing Platforms: On the Road to a Converged Ecosystem
      Session chairs – Scott Atchley and David Bernholdt, ORNL