Smokey Mountain Conference

Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference

WHEN Aug 26-28, 2020
WHERE Virtual Conference

Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences & Engineering Conference

Driving future science & engineering discoveries through the integration of experiment, big data, and modeling and simulation


  • The SMC2020 Conference will be a virtual format
  • ZOOM and WHOVA: We will be using web conferencing software WHOVA with ZOOM
  • Presentations: Presentations will be presented via live-stream


Jeff Nichols
General Chair:
Jeff Nichols
Becky Verastegui
Conference Organizer:
Becky Verastegui
Barney Maccabe
Program Co-Chair:
Barney Maccabe
Oscar Hernandez
Program Co-Chair:
Oscar Hernandez
Suzanne Parete-Koon
SMC Data Challenge Chair:
Suzanne Parete-Koon
Theresa Ahearn
Conference Organizer:
Theresa Ahearn